
La lactancia materna nocturna causa caries en los bebés?

Amamantar es una de las formas más naturales de nutrir a tu bebé, pero muchos padres se preocupan por si la lactancia nocturna podría causar caries una vez que los dientes comienzan a salir. Si bien la lactancia ofrece muchos beneficios para la salud, es importante entender cómo puede afectar la salud bucal, especialmente durante las tomas nocturnas.

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Does Night time Breastfeeding Cause Cavities in Babies?

Breastfeeding is one of the most nurturing things you can do for your baby, but many parents have concerns about whether nighttime breastfeeding might lead to cavities once their child’s teeth begin to emerge. While breastfeeding offers numerous health benefits, it’s important to understand how it can affect oral health, especially during nighttime feedings.

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Fluoruro de Diamina de Plata en la Odontología Pediátrica: Innovaciones en NextGen Dentistry

El fluoruro de diamina de plata (SDF, por sus siglas en inglés) está revolucionando la odontología pediátrica y NextGen Dentistry en National City está a la vanguardia de esta innovación. En nuestra clínica, utilizamos el SDF para ofrecer a nuestros pequeños pacientes una solución efectiva y menos invasiva para el tratamiento de caries.

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Silver Diamine Fluoride: A Gentle Solution for Protecting Young Smiles

At NexGen Dentistry, we’re always looking for ways to provide the best possible care for our young patients. One of the advanced treatment options we offer is Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF), a simple, non-invasive solution to stop cavities in their tracks.

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What Are the Best Pacifiers for My Child? A Comprehensive Guide

With so many options on the market, choosing the right pacifier for your child can be daunting. To make your decision easier, we've compiled a list of the best pacifiers for children under 2 and newborns, along with where you can purchase them.

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How Many Days After a Tooth Extraction Should I Avoid Smoking?

One of the most critical factors in the healing process is avoiding smoking. If you’re a smoker, you might wonder how long you should wait after a tooth extraction before lighting up again. In this blog, we’ll discuss why smoking is detrimental to healing and how long you should abstain from it after your extraction.

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Is Vaping Bad for My Teeth and Gums

Vaping has become a popular alternative to traditional smoking, with many people believing it's a safer option. However, while it may be less harmful in some respects, vaping still poses significant risks to oral health. Understanding these effects can help you make informed decisions about your dental care.

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Understanding and Addressing Teeth Grinding in Children

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a common issue among children. Parents often worry when they hear the sound of their child grinding their teeth at night or even during the day. Is it normal? When should you be concerned? NexGen Dentistry and NexGen Pediatric Dentistry are here to provide answers and guidance on this common childhood concern.

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Essential Tips for Your Child’s Lifelong Dental Wellness

A lifetime of healthy smiles begins in childhood. As a parent, you play a crucial role in establishing oral hygiene habits, modelling self-care, making nutrition choices, and scheduling professional cleanings and exams that set your child up for excellent long-term dental wellness. Read on for tips on caring for your child’s teeth from their first eruption onward.

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Getting The Greatest Dental Care: Is Fluoride Safe?

Fluoride is determined to be one of the minerals that happens in air, water, and soil on a natural basis. It has been demonstrated to be both secure and successful in reducing cavities and tooth decay. Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel and increases its resistance to the acids that oral bacteria create. Hence find the dental clinic near me and get started.

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Dry Mouth Syndrome And The Way It Affects Dental Caries

A healthy mouth is more than just a dazzling smile. It's a crucial part of overall well-being, allowing us to speak, eat, and express ourselves. However, dry mouth syndrome is an often-overlooked condition that can significantly impact oral health. In this blog, we'll delve into the intricacies of dry mouth syndrome and its undeniable connection to dental caries, shedding light on the importance of proper oral care.

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Early Childhood Caries For Up To 5-Year-Old Kids

As parents, we constantly strive to provide the best care for our children's well-being. One crucial aspect that should always be considered is their dental health. Child dental care is vital in ensuring healthy smiles and oral well-being. Let's explore why child dental care is so critical and how it sets the foundation for a lifetime of optimal oral health.

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Four Benefits Of Early Childhood Pediatric Dentist Chula Vista Visits

Your child’s oral health is just as significant as any other aspect of their physical development. Their teeth are meant to last a lifetime, and with appropriate care, a balanced diet, and regular pediatric dentist Chula Vista visits, kids can have a lifetime of healthy smiles.

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Does my child need a night guard?

Some children tend to be more anxious at times, which can lead to grinding and clenching their teeth. Your child may not be aware of it because it is usually done when they are sleeping or when they are anxious.

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What is the best toothbrush for your child?

With so many toothbrushes on the market, it can be difficult to know which is best for your child. Manual toothbrushes tend to be the go-to for many patients.

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Your Child Has a Loose Tooth?

When your child loses their first tooth, it is a new experience for them that should be fun rather than scary. To make it fun, prepare them to understand that losing their baby teeth is normal and a sign of them becoming an adult.

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A healthy diet for your child’s teeth

Nutrition directly impacts the development of your child as well as their oral health. For example, snacking on sugary snacks will increase your child's chance of becoming diabetic and tooth decay.

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Do baby teeth need to be treated?

A big misconception regarding baby teeth is that there is no need to treat them because they will fall off. This idea is not right because baby teeth are important for their speech development, nutrition, reducing chances of getting sick by preventing infection in their mouth, and baby teeth with cavities will impact the adult teeth from growing healthy.

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Why do I need dental x-ray?

X-rays are dental images to capture the deep parts of the oralcavity such as the root of the tooth and facial bones. Without these images, adentist cannot see important structures that often serve as areas of arisinginfection.

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What is Gum disease?

Gum disease scientifically known as gingivitis when acute and canprogress to a more severe form known as periodontitis. It is an infection inthe gum tissue surrounding the tooth.

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What is a dental bridge?

Dentalbridges are used to form a "bridge across a space in the mouth thatpreviously had a tooth. This space will be occupied with a fake tooth commonlyknown as a pontic while the tooth on the left and right of the pontic will becrowns.

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Is nitrous gas safe

Nitrousoxide is commonly known as "Laughing Gas" is an anesthetic that isbreathed in by the patient through a mask. The gas is nitrogen and oxygen. Thisis typically used for patients who are anxious and fearful of visiting thedental office.

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Does whitening tooth paste work?

Teethnormally accumulate stains from dark food and drinks and daily habits such assmoking. Whitening toothpastes can only remove stains that are on the top layerof the tooth.

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What is an implant?

Implants are the gold standard of care for dentistry due to its success and the ability to not compromise any of the patient's other teeth.

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What is root canal?

In a nutshell, a root canal is a type of dental treatment that aims to repair the root of the tooth. A tooth has a pulp with multiple canals filled with blood vessels and nerve tissue. When the pulp gets infected, it will usually cause pain for the patient urging the patient to get it checked out by a dentist.

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Tooth sensitivity

Many patients experience discomfort from tooth sensitivity. Lots of factors can be attributed to causing tooth sensitivity. To name a few, it can occur from the types of foods and drinks a patient intakes daily as well as their brushing technique and amount of daily stress.

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Is tooth whitening harmful?

A common esthetic request of many patients is achieving a bright smile. There are multiple methods to whiten teeth, but not all are recommended or safe. Some may cause more harm than brighten your smile.

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Oral Benefits of Fluoridated Water

With cavities being a chronic disease for children, an effective method of reducing the chances of a child forming cavities is by drinking water with fluoride. Most communities today fluoridate their water to reduce on childhood cavities.

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How often should I bring my child for exams?

To maintain your child's oral health, it is recommended to get a check-up every 6 months. This includes a full exam, cleaning, x-rays (if necessary), and fluoride varnish application.

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What is a sealant?

A sealant is alightly colored material that protects the surfaces vulnerable to cavities suchas the pits and grooves of the back teeth. By placing a sealant in the pits andgrooves, we protect them from decay. Sealant makes it easier for the child tobrush because the pits and grooves are easier to reach.

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When can my child brush on their own?

There is no specific age for when a child is ready to brush its own teeth. However, starting at a young age begins to instill the importance of brushing and flossing.

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When Should I start flossing for my child?

Afterestablishing proper tooth brushing, flossing should also begin at a young age.By learning how to floss properly early on, your child is more likely tocontinue the habit for the rest of their life.

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Brushing Your Tongue

Encouraging your child to build healthy habits at a young age such as brushing their teeth including their tongue, sets their oral health routine for the rest of their life, and makes your child's dentist extremely happy.

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What happens in 1st Dental Visit for my child?

Children are recommended to visit a dentist by their first birthday or when their first tooth erupts. This allows the child to be exposed to the dental office environment lessening their anxiety about going to the dentist later in life.

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5 Tips To Ease Your Child’s Fear Of The Best Pediatric Dentist San Diego

It’s normal for children to feel a bit anxious about their first visit to the best pediatric dentist San Diego. After all, the dentist’s office is a new environment with different sounds, unfamiliar people, and unfamiliar tools!

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Brushing And Flossing is Vital As Per Paediatric Dental Specialists

Irrespectiveof your child’s age, the toothbrush you select should be simple enough for themto hold and use, and it should fit securely in their mouth. According to paediatricdental specialists, it is suggested to brush twice a day.

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What is Silver Diamine Fluoride?

What is Silver Diamine Fluoride, How dose it works and are there any side affects?

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Making Your Dental Visit Affordable – Understanding Your Options

We know that seeing the dentist can be expensive, which is why we do our best to keep your finances in mind at NexGen Dentistry. Here are a few ways that you can manage the costs of treatment in National City, and get the dental care you need, even if you’re on a tight budget. 

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Welcome to NexGen Dentistry!

With experience serving San Diego for over 10 years, Dr. Yavari is treating smiles with a nurturing spirit and expert dental care.

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